Senators - Mick Pashley

Mick Pashley has lived in Jersey for ten years and wants to give back to the island he now calls home.
He believes Jersey needs greater diversity in the economy because it's too reliant on finance.
He would like to see more cheaper events to attract tourists to the island, for Jersey's football team to play in a UK league and more facilities for young artists and musicians. He supports civil partnerships for same-sex couples.
[ Source : BBC Jersey ]
Jersey Telecom worker Michael Pashley is standing for Senator.
The 32-year-old call centre worker is standing on a platform of supporting tourism and says the Island should enter a football team in the UK league. Mr Pashley was born in Bournemouth and moved to the Island ten years ago. He said that while the Island had done well out of the finance industry, more should be done to broaden the economy.
Mr Pashley said greater efforts should be made to attract cruise ships and cheaper flights and ferries to the Island, to encourage sport in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics, and to promote diving schools and watersports breaks. He said: "Jersey has a new generation of Islander, a 21st century community requiring a new approach to providing their needs."
"We are at a crossroads where we must decide how we are to shape our community for the advantage of everyone. We have moved our focus onto the finance industry, which has served the Island very well, but I would propose that we make more effort to revive the booming tourist industry that was once here."
He also backs more equality for gay couples, and grants for Islanders installing solar panels and wind turbines on their homes to generate their own electricity. Mr Pashley lives in Grouville and is married to Amie. He has previously worked in the tourism and security industries.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
- Mark Tirel
- Nancy Holt
- Warren Osbourne
- Aimee Anderton
- Catherine Wilson
- Janet Allaire
- Frank Corrigan
- Thomas Forrest
- Steven Rault
- Carly Baton
- Andrew Bloomfield
[ Source : Channel Online ]
Senatorial Nomination
Mark Tirel introduced Mick Pashley, who he said showed a real passion for Jersey, which had been his home for ten years. He said that in the light of the credit crunch and the bad publicity the Island had been hit with over the historical child abuse investigation, Mr Pashley was very keen to give something back to Jersey. Mr Tirel said young Islanders were thinking about moving away from Jersey because of rising prices and the cost of housing, and that Mr Pashley was determined to do something about both. And the proposer added that Mr Pashley was keen to diversify the Island's economy with e-commerce and intellectual property. He had specific ideas about watersports, the 2012 Olympics and entering a football team in the UK league to reinvigorate tourism. And he added that Mr Pashley would encourage insulation, wind turbines and solar panels on domestic homes with subsidies.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
Election Manifesto - 200 Word Version
As a resident of Jersey for ten years I have grown passionate for the island. I have watched as we have grown in some areas and diminished in others. I have a desire to try and reintroduce tourism on a bigger scale back to the Island, to invest in our future generations and offer equality for all on the Island.
I aim to be a voice for the Islanders, their platform to bring their own ideas into the government view. I do not feel that any of my policies are extravagant, I am trying to keep my feet firmly on the ground. I feel our government needs a fresher approach but don't believe in a complete change of personnel. The experience offered by existing statesmen and women is invaluable.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
A video of Mick Pashley's election manifesto is available on Channel Online
Election Manifesto - BBC Version
Jersey was once synonymous with the great British summer; an island of sunshine and beaches for all the family and a safe environment for everyone to be in. A European holiday whilst only a stone's throw from the UK.
Jersey has become a financial hub, and this serves the island's needs well. Extra taxes have hit people's pockets hard and more people are looking at the possibility of moving away.
Jersey now has a new generation of islander, a 21st century community requiring a new approach and provide for their needs. We are at a crossroads where we must decide how we must shape our community.
We have concentrated our focus on the finance industry in recent years, but I believe we now need to make more of an effort to revive the once booming tourism industry here, which would also add to the islander's quality of life.
Some of the possibilities I would look at include:
Moving the harbour to deeper waters to allow for cruise ships to dock at, or near, the island. If this could not be worked around the Ramsar restrictions at La Collette then the potential at St Catherine's Breakwater could be considered as an alternative.
Make more use of the island's facilities; diving schools, water sports weekends, sailing holidays, use of the reservoirs and beaches for sports.
It is key for us to remember that the 2012 London Olympics is looming and Jersey should strive for representation in this showpiece.
Explore means of creating cheaper travel to and from the island; budget flights and cheaper ferry prices.
Increase the opportunities for big events like Jersey Live to take place here.
The hosting of more sporting events and championships on the island.
Controversially I would like to see the introduction of a casino in Jersey.
I believe moving in this direction would bring a new wave of tourists to the island, adding wealth and culture, and encouraging those who have become disillusioned to stay and help progress it instead.
A small community like ours should ensure that all its members are looked after. As we move forward into the 21st century it is necessary for us to help both the existing and the future generations of our island.
Currently a 16-year-old in a band has nowhere that they can play to an audience, I would like to see young musicians given the opportunity to earn from their music.
Young artists should be assisted with the funding and the provision of space in galleries for them to showcase their work.
A business trust could provide a forum for young entrepreneurs to put forward business ideas, to gain advice, loans, grants or even sell a share of their business to others.
We must become more progressive with our thinking and beliefs, embracing and acknowledging our multiple nationalities and cultures.
In our modern world not everyone chooses to be in a traditional relationship, I propose we ensure civil partnerships are given the same rights and benefits as any couple who commit to the marriage.
My motivation to stand is to be the voice of those who do not get heard, whilst encouraging the growth of the island in personality and economy.
It is important to remember that who we are and where we started. I do not believe that a complete whitewash throughout this government would be of any benefit, but new policies, ideas and a greater understanding of the people of Jersey is the injection that we need to hold this beautiful island as an independent, secure and prosperous home for the people who reside here.
An audio version of this election manifesto is available from BBC Jersey
[ Source : BBC Jersey ]
A video of Mick Pashley's election manifesto is available on Channel Online
Age: 32
Place of birth: Newtownards N. Ireland
Family: Married to Amie with two dogs!
Education: Nine GCSEs
Occupation: Customer support, Jersey Telecom
Hobbies/interests: Gardening, sport (although mostly from the sofa), technology (computers, phones), walking my dogs
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]