Senators - Geoff Southern

Another deputy seeking a seat as senator is Deputy Geoff Southern, standing for the Jersey Democratic Alliance.
He believes after seven years in the States he has a wide range of expertise and during his time as a St Helier deputy has campaigned to keep free school milk and was an opponent of the GST.
He is also chair of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny panel and stands for reform. His proposer described him last night as a champion of the underdogs.
[ Source : BBC Jersey ]
Deputy Southern has lodged more than 70 propositions in his seven years in the House, and is the States' most prolific tabler of written and oral questions. Over the last two and a half years, Deputy Southern's Scrutiny panel has reviewed the incorporation of Jersey Post, the fulfilment industry and the role of Jersey Finance.
He has also sat on sub-panels looking at immigration and the Income Support benefit package.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
- The Rev Anthony Keogh
- Shona Pitman
- Judy Martin
- Trevor Pitman
- Laura Wakeham
- Nicholas Corbel
- Maurice Merhet
- John Bates
- Denise Carrol
- Maria Colino
[ Source : Channel Online ]
Senatorial Nomination
Proposer the Rev Tony Keogh said that he was in the business of prophesising and that he believed that the States Chamber would be losing experienced politicians at the end of the elections. But he said that while he felt that Jersey would benefit from new vision from new States Members, he thought that the Island also needed continuity in the form of Deputy Geoff Southern. He said that the main quality that the Deputy brought was 'stickability', because he got up whenever knocked down and he carried on. Mr Keogh said that Deputy Southern had been knocked down many times and that he always kept on persevering as a champion of the underdog. He said that there was no 'yah-boo' politics with Deputy Southern and that he was always researched and well prepared. He added that there were few politicians with a better understanding of tax, both politically and socially.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
Election Manifesto - 200 Word Version
The government of Jersey needs a change of direction. I believe I can use my experience and knowledge to bring this about.
I have been highly active as Deputy for seven years, holding ministers to account in question time and bringing over 70 propositions to the States. I have tried to represent the interests of all sectors of society, and I have worked especially hard for the least well off. I currently lead the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel completing hard-hitting reports on Jersey Post, the fulfilment industry, Jersey Finance and most importantly on the sale of Jersey Telecom. I believe that our evidence persuaded the minister to drop the sale, protecting the livelihoods of families of 400 JT workers.
I have a good understanding of population and migration issues, sncome support and taxation through further scrutiny investigations. As a founder member of Jersey’s only political party, the JDA, I support policies for constitutional, electoral and tax reform. This includes the elimination of GST within three years. We must also guard against unsustainable population growth. With an Island-wide mandate as Senator, I believe I can better deliver much-needed reform along with intelligent government which responds to the needs of all Islanders.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
A video of Geoff Southern's election manifesto is available on Channel Online
Election Manifesto - BBC Version
I'm standing because I believe the people of Jersey are calling for change.
I believe I can use my experience as deputy for number two district for seven years, and my understanding of how government works to deliver these changes.
I have the reputation of being one of the most hard-working States members, and I've been an active and vocal critic of ministers, holding them to account in question time, and bringing over 70 propositions to the States.
I have tried to represent the interests of all sectors of society and I've worked especially hard for the least well off.
As a back-bencher I am probably best known for protecting school milk, not just once but three times.
I have had many successes; retaining foreign language assistants in schools, reducing income tax bills for low to middle earners by increasing exemptions, a policy now adopted by the treasury minister, improving employment laws and protecting the wages of student workers.
I currently lead the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel which has produced hard-hitting effective reports on Jersey Post, the fulfilment industry, the retail sector and Jersey Finance.
I am most proud of our work on the sale of Jersey Telecom, I believe that our evidence persuaded the minister to drop the sale, thus protecting the livelihoods of the families of some 400 JT workers.
I also have a good understanding of population migration issues, income support and taxation, through further scrutiny investigations.
As a founding member of JDA I propose radical reform on four fronts; constitutional, electoral, economic and tax reform.
I will work to remove GST completely within three years, we must set and achieve truly sustainable economic and population growth targets, we are growing out of control.
We must also introduce election reform, we must have a general election and a direct vote for the chief minister I believe.
Also I shall propose the separation, and we must return to the separation of the dual roles of the bailiff and in fact the triple role of the attorney general; this cause conflicts of interest.
With an island-wide mandate as senator I believe I can better deliver much needed reform, along with intelligent government which listens and responds to the needs of all islanders.
So there you have it, I stand on my record, I believe I now have the experience, the skills, the maturity and indeed the courage to bring about much needed major reforms.
Please vote for Southern on 15 October.
An audio version of this election manifesto is available from BBC Jersey
[ Source : BBC Jersey ]
A video of Geoff Southern's election manifesto is available on Channel Online
Age: 58
Place of birth: Manchester
Family: Married
Education: BSc Hons Metallurgy and French Language (Surrey U); Cert Education; Dip Careers Counselling; Cert Drug and Alcohol Counselling
Previous employment: Secondary teacher; homeless support worker
Occupation: States Deputy (St Helier No 2 District)
Interests: Tennis, golf, literature, theatre
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
Deputy Geoff Southern must have one of the most interesting academic backgrounds within the States emerging from university specialising in metallurgy and French! A former school teacher, it is perhaps this background that has led to his reputation for research in both his propositions and Scrutiny work that has earned him the respect of both colleagues and opponents alike. Widely believed to be in contention for the accolade of having asked more questions, and brought more propositions than any other present Member, as well as being the current Chairman of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel Deputy Southern is also Vice-Chairman of Income Support and a member of the Migration Policy sub-panel.
Another member of the JDA's Council tracing their political interest all the way back to their youth, Deputy Southern also echoes the views of so many of his colleagues in seeing politicians working together wherever possible, rather than focussing on differences as being the key to achieving a Jersey that values all the members of its community. Geoff's first attempt at bringing together a broad-based coalition of people to work for social and democratic reforms was with the Rainbow Alliance in the mid 90's. A decade later, having himself since been elected to the States in February of 2002, he co-founded the Jersey Democratic Alliance with his friend and political colleague, former Senator Ted Vibert in 2005.
Recalling the party's beginnings Geoff says that if there was a major flaw within the original set-up it was probably that in 2005 too many people had been drawn to the concept primarily out of dissatisfaction with the government of the day, rather than shared political ideals. This is something he sees as being quite different to the JDA of the present day.
"I think the Chairman is quite right on this – in many ways the JDA of today is exactly where we should have begun from in 2005, Today we have a group of people on the Council all singing from effectively the same hymn sheet, and I think that is transmitting itself more and more to the people now deciding to join. Of course we are a broad church, and long may that continue," the Deputy continues, "but it is those shared core centre-left values of social justice, transparency and political accountability that makes the JDA of 2008 such a pleasure to work with: commonsense politics for commonsense people indeed!"
Outside of his political work Geoff is another Council Member who tells us that reading and music plays a big part in his attempts at relaxing. He is a particular fan of the American singer-songwriter Tom Waites. "he is very much an acquired taste," says the Deputy, "but his words have a way of drawing you in, body and soul, to the story he is weaving. Undoubtedly the man is a genius."
With the 2008 elections now only months away and the Council of Ministers appearing to be competing for the title of Worst Political Own Goal, Deputy Southern feels it really is time for all of those who genuinely care about securing a long-term sustainable future to benefit all ordinary working people to put aside their differences and work together.
[ Source : Jersey Democratic Alliance ]
Party Politics
Geoff Southern was a founding member of the Jersey Democratic Alliance and upon the retirement of Chairman Rev Tony Keogh he was elected to the leadership of that party. His election fomented the split in the party which led to the formation of the Centre Party (Jersey).
He led the JDA through the 2005 Senatorial elections but was unsuccessful. He ran in the Deputy elections the following month as an independent though remained a member of the party.
In 2006 he stepped down from membership of the council.
Political Philosophy
Deputy Southern is a committed Socialist.
[ Source : Wikipedia ]
Track Record
Record of Service
First elected to the States of Jersey as Deputy of Saint Helier No.2 district in a by election on 15 February 2002 and was subsequently re-elected in 2002 and 2005.
Positions Held
As of July 2007:
- Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
- Chairman of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel
- Member of the Scrutiny Chairmen's Committee
- Member Income Support Scrutiny Sub-Panel
- Chairman of the Telecoms Privatisation Scrutiny Sub-Panel
- Member of the Migration Policy Scrutiny Sub-Panel
Deputy Southern first ran for the States of Jersey in an election for Senator in October 1996 polling 13th and last with 1,429 votes, then for Deputy in St Helier District No. 3 & 4 in November 1996 polling 7th of 7 with 241 votes.
Deputy Southern ran for the position of Senator in October 2005 and received 4,724 votes finishing 13th of the 15 candidates.
In November 2005 he successfully defended his seat as Deputy in St. Helier district No.2 receiving 547 votes finishing in second place.
[ Source : Wikipedia ]