Constables - Juliette Gallichan (St Mary)

Deputy Juliette Gallichan says she finds her current position rewarding but received a number of expressions of support from people in St Mary so she decided to run for Constable.
As the former parish secretary she feels she understands the way St Mary is run.
As an existing member of the States she already sits on a number of panels and committees including holding the role of vice-chair of the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panels.
[ Source : BBC Jersey ]
St Mary Deputy Juliette Gallichan is looking for 'promotion' to the Constable's job.
Deputy Gallichan wants to take over from sitting Constable Ken Le Brun when he retires this year after three terms in office.
And if elected she would be following in his footsteps – like him, she is a former parish secretary. Deputy Gallichan (46) is expected to stand against parish Centenier Terry Renouf in the election to become the next Constable of Jersey's least-populated parish.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
- Myrtle Le Marquand
- Glynn Bower
- Phyllis Luce
- Cynthia Cotillard
- Martin de Gruchy
- Shirley Baudains
- Barbara de la Haye
- Alan Rimeur
- Robert Johnson
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
Constable Nomination
Mrs Le Marquand said that as a States Member for the last three years, Deputy Gallichan had taken on several different roles in the Chamber and made 'regular and well-informed' contributions to debates. She said that the Deputy was "very approachable, compassionate and down to earth. She is a dedicated member of this community and since her first days as parish secretary she has had this parish in her heart," said Mrs Le Marquand.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
Mrs Myrtle Le Marquand's nomination speech for Juliette Gallichan.
"I am very pleased tonight to be able to propose our Parish Deputy, Juliette Gallichan as a candidate for the office of Connétable de Ste Marie.
Three years ago I stood in this very room to propose her as a Candidate in the election for Deputy, an election she subsequently went on to win convincingly.
At that time I said that there could be few people in the Parish who had not encountered Juliette in one of the many roles she filled in the Parish, but for those who do not know her so well, Juliette's childhood home was in St Mary and apart from a short period early in her marriage, she has lived in the Parish all her life. She has been married to Terry for 27 years and has two children.
Prior to her election as Deputy, Juliette was Parish Secretary, a job she found immensely rewarding as it put her right at the hub of Parish life. Before that, she had worked mainly in the Finance Industry, gaining a wide experience with both a banking and accounting bias, before spending a number of years with the Trust arm of a leading law practice.
Never one to deal with things on a superficial level, Juliette had not been Parish Secretary for very long before she began to look more and more closely at the way government decisions were affecting the Parish and she soon came to realize that the important role played by the Parishes in Island life could be under threat if the government reforms being considered at that time were not handled correctly. It was from this beginning that her interest in becoming your representative in the States grew.
Those of you that have the opportunity to listen to the broadcasts of States sittings will know that Juliette makes regular, well informed contributions to debates and often adds an element of clarity and common sense. What you may not appreciate is that outside the Chamber, she has taken on a demanding workload, with a wide and varied range of responsibilities within the States of Jersey. Juliette told me that she intended to gain as much experience as possible of as many different aspects of the States during her first term and she has certainly achieved this.
I consider that her background in Parish administration as well as her extensive experience as a States Member make Juliette uniquely well qualified to lead this Parish. Perhaps even more importantly though, her approachability, compassion and down to earth manner, as well as the way she involves herself in many different levels of our community add a different and vital dimension to her leadership qualities. I must say, however, that self-promotion is not something she goes in for and that although she was initially approached to stand for Connétable by numerous people, she did not automatically agree. For this reason I led a traditional deputation to her home in July to demonstrate the level of support for her. Juliette said that she was honoured by this and this reaction is a real indication of how she feels – she is honoured to serve this Parish, she feels privileged to represent the Parishioners and she is fiercely proud of the sense of community we enjoy.
In short, she is a dedicated member of this Community and since her first days as Secretary she has had this Parish in her heart. I ask you now to put her back in the heart of the Parish and to elect Juliette as our next Connétable."
[ Source : Juliette Gallichan ]
Election Manifesto - 200 Word Version
My support and enthusiasm for the parish system is well documented but if it is to continue to play a relevant and important part in Island life, it is vital that Connétables also take on challenging positions in the States. As a former parish secretary, I believe that my wide understanding of parish administration and my proven relationship with the parishioners and municipality of St Mary combine with my experience as parish Deputy to make me uniquely well qualified to take on this role and to be immediately effective in both the parish and the States Assembly.
The role of Connétable involves more than politics and management, however. The Connétable must lead and energise the parish and I have the enthusiasm, the drive, the community involvement and the demonstrated support to do both. The Connétable has a wide and varied workload and I have the flexibility, depth of knowledge and experience to know how best to deal with situations that are likely to arise. I understand the most obvious course of action is not always the most effective and am committed to ensuring that the best interests of the parish as a whole are the motivating factor behind any response.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
A video of Juliette Gallichan's election manifesto is available on Channel Online
Age: 46
Place of birth: Jersey
Family: Married for 27 years to Terry – two children (son 16 and daughter 12)
Education: St Peter's Primary, Jersey College for Girls
Occupation: States Member
Hobbies: Many and varied – including camping and motorcycling. Most recently, as a family we've just taken up kayaking.
[ Source : This Is Jersey ]
I am 46 years old, Jersey-born and have lived in the Parish of St Mary for almost all my life. I have been married to Terry for 27 years and we have 2 children, aged 12 and 16, both of whom attended the Parish School.
My early career was spent in the Finance Industry, where I gained a wide range of experience. I worked in the Trust arm of a leading law firm for a number of years, at management level. I began to get really involved in the Parish after my husband became an Constable's Officer in 1986. We both went on a twinning exchange to Longues Sur Mer and have been in close contact with the same family there ever since. I subsequently served as Secretary of the Twinning Association for a number of years and our family still participate today.
I began to help out the Parish Secretary of the time, Ken Le Brun on an occasional basis as at that time he was a "one man band" in the Parish Administration. I provided holiday cover for him on the rare occasions when he could be prised away from the Parish Hall and so I had the opportunity to see the Constable of the day, Mr Edwin Godel at work and to learn from him.
When Ken was elected Constable on Edwin's retirement, I was very pleased to be appointed Parish Secretary. Ken and I worked very closely together on Parish matters and during this time I was on several working parties, looking at various proposals for change in the relationship between the Parishes and the Executive and the introduction of the Island-wide Rate, for example. I gained first-hand direct experience of the Parish Administration and also worked directly with the Comité des Connétables on matters such as the electoral system.
All of this wide experience made me decide to stand for public office and I was elected Deputy of St Mary in 2005.
I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as Deputy. There is a huge amount to learn when entering the States Assembly and I made a decision to take on a wide range of roles, in order to maximise my experience and knowledge. I have been kept busy assisting Parishioners (as well as other Islanders, of course) with their concerns in such matters as planning, traffic and housing, for example. As well as my obligations as a member of the Legislature, I am currently Vice Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee, Vice Chairman of the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel, Vice President of the Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie, Jersey Section and a member of the Legislation Advisory and Planning Applications Panels.
This wide experience means that if I am elected for a second term, I will be prepared to take on a senior position in the Assembly and would also have the ability to fit that in with the demanding Parish duties of the Constable, which I understand so well from my experience as Parish Secretary.
I am on record as being a staunch supporter of the Parish and Honorary systems. I believe that if the Constables are to continue to maintain their status as ex-officio members of the Assembly, and they must if the Parish system is to survive and indeed thrive, then they must be prepared to take on challenging positions in the States.
I am ready to take on that challenge.
[ Source : Juliette Gallichan ]